Bourdelle Museum, Paris, Beethoven busts
Giacometti Museum, Paris, his studio table
Huntington Library Gardens, LA
Le Jardin Du Luxembourg, nursery truck
Les Invalides, Paris, Napolean's stuffed horse Vizir
Cherry tree with supports, my backyard Denver
Rully France, laundering only black clothes
Whitechapel Gallery, London, looking at a Buffie Johnson painting
painting for a swimmer, Fox St Denver Co
Painting for a swimmer, Rully France
Bourdelle Museum, Paris, Beethoven busts
Bourdelle Museum, Paris, Beethoven busts
Giacometti Museum, Paris, his studio table
Giacometti Museum, Paris, his studio table
Huntington Library Gardens, LA
Huntington Library Gardens, LA
Le Jardin Du Luxembourg, nursery truck
Le Jardin Du Luxembourg, nursery truck
Les Invalides, Paris, Napolean's stuffed horse Vizir
Les Invalides, Paris, Napolean's stuffed horse Vizir
Cherry tree with supports, my backyard Denver
Cherry tree with supports, my backyard Denver
Rully France, laundering only black clothes
Rully France, laundering only black clothes
Whitechapel Gallery, London, looking at a Buffie Johnson painting
Whitechapel Gallery, London, looking at a Buffie Johnson painting
painting for a swimmer, Fox St Denver Co
painting for a swimmer, Fox St Denver Co
Painting for a swimmer, Rully France
Painting for a swimmer, Rully France